2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Introduction

Hello! Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015The 2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon has kicked off, and I couldn’t be more excited! This fun event is hosted by Alexa from Alexa Loves Books, and it’s a two-day celebration meant to celebrate the amazing book blogger community. It’s a tradition to start the weekend with a blogger questionnaire; if you are a longtime reader {or a close friend of mine}, you’ll recognize some of my answers, but I hope this will serve as a lovely introduction for those first stopping by.

Sophie and Lily Portrait{That’s me in gorgeous watercolor form! Jennifer Vallez is an amazing illustrator.}

1. What’s your name? I often go by my nickname, Bella, although my full name is Isabella.

2. Where in the world are you blogging from? The lovely, if a bit snowy at the moment, New England!

3. How did you get into blogging in the first place? I have been blogging since July 2011, although this site was born in November of that year. I was actually encouraged by my mom to start a blog, and it has since grown into one of my favorite hobbies.

4. How did you come up with your blog name? With my nickname and Italian heritage, Ciao Bella seemed like the perfect fit – it only took a few hours before I was starting my WordPress account. My domain name, chic and petite, on the other hand, took a bit more creativity and time.

5. What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? I’ll read almost any genre, from a YA science fiction story to an adorable elementary school geared fantasy. However, my two favorite genres have long been mystery and contemporary, both for middle grade and young adult!

6. What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews? My book reviews are written in three different ways: a regular or common format; Pros and Cons, in which, as the title suggests, I list what I liked and disliked about a book; and Making the Grade, a review written as a report card.

Other features on Ciao Bella include Eye on Art, where I share artists that I love, Musical Moodboards, where I create a collection of images based on my favorite theatrical productions, Style Snapshot, a monthly fashion feature, and Love Lists, weekly posts of five things I adore. I’m often in the kitchen, so I try to post a handful of recipes each month as well.

7. Best blogging experience so far? What a difficult question! I think I will go with receiving my first ARC, Ollie and the Science of Treasure Hunting by Erin Dionne, this past summer from Penguin. I don’t request ARCs so it was such a pleasant surprise when they approached me for a review {you can see my post HERE}!

8. Favorite thing about the blogging community? I could be here all day listing the positive aspects of the blogging community, but it all returns to how supportive bloggers are of one another. I’ve “met” so many genuinely kind people through Ciao Bella, and for that, I will forever be grateful!

2015 Releases9. Name the five books you’re most excited for this year! Can I just direct you to my 2015 TBR list from December?! :) In all seriousness, I can’t wait to read [1] Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins, [2] The Penderwicks in Spring by Jeanne Birdsall, [3] P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han, [4] Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone, [5] The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord, and [6], since I couldn’t resist {and it made my image pretty}, Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth Wein.

10. What’s an underrated book or series you think everyone should read? For the middle grade audience, I can’t recommend Stuart Gibbs’ novels enough. Spy School ranks among my favorites, and his other books are just as good. I urge young adult fans to check out Jennifer Donnelly’s historical fiction; both A Northern Light and Revolution are amazing, but constantly overlooked. {Need more? Here are a few other authors that deserve your attention}.

11. Which book girl or boy would be your book BFF? I think Harper Price, protagonist of Rachel Hawkins’ Rebel Belle, and I would be good friends. I also like to think Elizabeth Bennet {from Pride and Prejudice, of course} and I would get along smashingly.

12. Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests? I stay pretty busy outside of blogging and reading! I am the co-editor of an online magazine with my little sister, which allows me to work on one of my biggest passions: graphic design. I’m lucky enough to take art classes at an excellent design college as well during the summer!

After school, I can also be found running Student Council meetings – I am the Class President for my grade – or teching school productions {I love stage managing and running sound}. Of course, I love to bake, which you can tell from my collection of recipes. Finally, I love yoga and strength training; there’s nothing better than a good workout.

Oh, and I go to school :)

13. Apart from book shopping, what else do you like to shop for? If I’m not spending my money on new books, it’s often going to new clothing from my favorite brands, Boden and J.Crew. Otherwise, it heads right to my savings account. I’m much more of a saver than a spender!

14. At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What would be playing? I’m not sure! Can I interpret this question as my favorite artists?! :) The music I listen to most comes from Florence and the Machine, Lorde, Ellie Goulding, Adele, HAIM, and Taylor Swift {of course}. I also love a good musical soundtrack!

15. Pick out a book you want turned into a film or TV show or a film or TV show you want turned into a book. I so want to see Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls series make it to the big screen. Spies and boarding school are a good combination for Hollywood, are they not?

Are you participating in the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon this year? Once again, a HUGE thank you to Alexa for hosting – this weekend should be fun!


18 thoughts on “2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Introduction

  1. You’re such a busy bee! I admire you for having time to tackle everything that’s on your hands – you go girl. Also, The Start of Me and You is faaaabulous. Can’t wait for you to read it! I’m also really looking forward to PS I Still Love You, because I love Jenny Han. And you’ve reminded me to read A Northern Light! I’ve read Revolution and really liked that one.

    Thanks for participating in this year’s Love-a-Thon!


  2. Oh my goodness the watercolour illustration of you is adorable! I’ve never heard of Jennifer before but I’m definitely going to check out her work.

    I agree with Alexa, you’re such a busy bee! Kudos to you for being able to manage all of that ;)

    Eep! I love that your favourite artists would also be on my list too :D I only started listening to HAIM last month and oh boy, I love their songs so much.


  3. Oooh, I really enjoyed a Northern Light. And while I’ve heard Revolution is more popular, I haven’t read it yet. I definitely want to though. Every time someone mentions it, I think, “Oh gosh. I still need to pick that one up from the library!”


  4. I don’t really know anyone who’s read anything by Jennifer Donnelly either–besides one of my best friends, who says she’s one of her favorite authors! I’ve definitely never seen her books mentioned around the blogosphere, though.


  5. That is such a pretty painting!
    Wow! Sounds like you are leading a fruitful life! Great job!
    I love Adele and Taylor Swift too! :)


  6. Your music is amazing. I LOVE all the people you listed. HAIM especially! <333

    I haven't read Every Last Word but I have it and I'm so excited to start it now! I also didn't have a good experience with Rachel's Hex Hall series but I would LOVE to give Rebel Belle a try :)


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