the ten new series I want to start


Top Ten TuesdayIt’s not like my TBR list isn’t long enough, but it seems like every week, there’s an amazing new series released that I want to read! While it is near impossible for me to get to them all, there are certainly a few I would like to try – and hopefully before this topic comes around again :) Participating in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday {hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish}, I’ve highlighted the ten relatively new series I have prioritized. What books made your list?

Broken Hearts and RevengeEver since I learned this past summer that Katie Finn is THE Morgan Matson {who is basically a queen of everything young adult}, I’ve been eyeing her new series, Broken Hearts and Revenge. While I have learned to go in with different expectations, I think it would be silly to pass this one up.

Daylight FallsWhen I am next in need for a good fluffy romance, I know exactly what series to start! Dahlia Adler’s Behind the Scenes comes highly recommended, as I’m sure will be the case with the second book, Under the Lights, once it’s released in 2015.

His Fair AssassinI’ve waited far too long to start Robin LaFever’s His Fair Assassin series, but I would be lying if I said that the size of the books didn’t intimidate me a bit. Even with Grave Mercy‘s 500 plus page count, I hope to carve out some time during my next school break to start the series.

IllusiveIllusive just looks entertaining to me! It has a unique concept and a great cover, giving me high hopes for the story itself. I would love to read it before the second book comes out in July; it’s best to stay caught up while you can, right?!

Nantucket BlueI had the greatest intentions of reading Nantucket Blue, and its sequel, Nantucket Red, over the summer, but I never got the chance! It’s a bit too beach-centered for my tastes at the moment as we head into colder weather, but come spring, it will be at the top of my reading pile.

The Eighth DayThere’s no shortage of great fantasy novels in middle grade, but that also means very few fantasy novels stand out! Fortunately, the premise of The Eighth Day, the first in a series of the same name, has been enough to keep my interest in the books; its great reviews don’t hurt either.

The Hybrid ChroniclesThe covers of Kat Zhang’s Hybrid Chronicles are stunning, so {like any good book blogger :)}, on my TBR list the novels went! Thankfully, the synopsis of Book One has grabbed my attention just as well as its cover. It is now only a matter of checking out a copy.

The Rules for DisappearingI adore a good spy mystery, so The Rules for Disappearing sounds right up my alley! I haven’t looked into the series all that much, but the witness protection program, a secretive romance, and family strains all sound promising.

The Winner's TrilogyThe Winner’s Curse, book one in The Winner’s Trilogy, fell victim to a problem I experience all too often: the I-checked-out-too-many-books-what-do-I-do-now? dilemma {Other library lovers can relate, I’m sure!}. While I didn’t get the chance to finish it, the first few chapters have me thinking I’ll love the ending just as much.

Throne of GlassThe hype got to me with the Throne of Glass books! I have heard nonstop discussion about the series, and more importantly, everything said has been nothing but great things.

Have a lovely Tuesday!

8 thoughts on “the ten new series I want to start

  1. I want to read His Fair Assassin and Throne of Glass series too! I left them off my list though because there were newer released series that I wanted to read. Thanks for sharing :)


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