Do Tell / Senior Year Wrap Up

Hi friends!

Do TellHappy Tuesday! How is your week coming along? I don’t often share personal posts here on Ciao Bella, but given the significance of senior year, I feel it’d be wrong not to mark down the memories I made in the month of May. And so, I’m taking a cue from my good friend, Paulina, and providing a recap of my end-of-the-year events  — there are quite a few! Fellow seniors, how were your final senior year festivities? To my other readers, how is your summer looking?

College Decision DayMay kicked off on a particularly stressful note with the college decision process. I was so fortunate to narrow down my list to two schools I absolutely adore {and I realize how lucky I am for these opportunities in the first place}, but my choice didn’t come as easy as I had hoped. After a long weekend of visiting both schools again and working through the pros and cons of each place with my close friends and my parents, I came to a decision: I’ll be attending Brown University next year! Since then, I’ve been sporting my Brown t-shirts with pride and filling out forms and paperwork galore. I have a few more months before I move in, but I can’t wait to see what is in store for me there {and to meet other Brunonians!}.

Ciao Bella PromCiao Bella Prom 2Ciao Bella Prom 3With the college decision out of the way, I moved to the next event: prom! I had such a lovely night last year that I feared this year wouldn’t live up to it, but I shouldn’t have worried; my friends and I all had a lovely time. {For anyone bookmarking dresses for next year, mine is from BHLDN}.

After prom, I then focused my attention to any last-minute preparations for my school’s Special Olympics pep rally. The kids and the program mean the world to me, and so, I’m a delighted the day went off without a hitch. I had to makeup my AP Calculus exam, so I myself could not attend the Special Olympics, but the athletes returned to tell me they brought home the gold :)

The Drowsy ChaperoneDuring that same week, I was in tech rehearsals for my school’s spring musical — and my last show — The Drowsy Chaperone. I had a blast stage managing the production, not in the least because so many of my friends participate in the cast and crew {they all rocked in their respective roles}. Over the past four years, the drama department has grown into what feels like my second home, and so, it was a bittersweet goodbye during closing night, filled with standing ovations, crying seniors, and a number of emotional messages. Thankfully, it won’t be long before we gather as a group once more, as I still have Tony Night, our end-of-the-year celebration, to look forward to.

Boat CruiseBoat Cruise 2Like many high schools, my own school sponsors an incredible week of senior activities, with everything from an all-night party at the local YMCA to Class Day, in which a number of seniors are honored with awards. One of my favorite activities was the senior boat cruise, a night on the water that includes an open buffet dinner and plenty of dancing. I had such a wonderful time {even if nostalgia hit hard at the end of the night}, and on a fashion note, I loved seeing everyone dressed up for the occasion.

GraduationFinally, my graduation was this past Sunday! After a busy few weeks, it was refreshing to simply relax during the ceremony and enjoy the moment. As the class president, I gave the welcome address, and though public speaking is far from being my favorite activity, I think it went well. The best part, however, was cheering on my classmates, all of whom helped to make my high school experience as wonderful as it was.

And with that, I’ve now entered into full summer mode. I’m grateful to have the next three months open, with the exception of work and rehearsals, for time with my friends and family. I’m hoping to make the most out of this summer, because I know my orientation will be here before I know it.

Have a lovely day!

7 thoughts on “Do Tell / Senior Year Wrap Up

  1. Bella! Congratulations on graduating – that is absolutely amazing! <3 And congratulations on getting accepted into Brown – that is absolutely amazing and they are going to be so lucky to have you. Thanks for sharing this with us all!

    P.S. Your pictures are so fantastic! <3

    Liked by 1 person

  2. just finished all my exams so i’m making use of my free time to catch up on some blogs…and was so excited to see this post bc i love end of year reflections! first of all…congratulations on choosing brown! how exciting! and secondly, you looked so gorgeous at prom! i loved all your pictures. lastly, i am so jealous of all the fun activities your school has! special olympics sounds so cool and i would absolutely LOVE for a week of senior activities. the only functions at our school for seniors are prom and commencement…if only we had a boat cruise too! that would be so fun!

    anyway, have a great summer bella! here’s to graduating high school!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Annie! I’m so excited :) And ah, you are too sweet – I had a blast at prom. And I know, I find it so interesting to see how end of year events differ from school to school.

      And, of course, a HUGE congratulations to you as well! I hope you have a lovely summer.


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