Who designed your blog?
I designed my blog using the WordPress theme Nucleare and a custom header and blog elements made with the help of Powerpoint and Adobe Illustrator. My gorgeous photo was taken by my sister!

Can you guest post on my blog?
I’m going to be the worst and say “maybe.” I adore supporting fellow bloggers, but my ability to write a post for another platform is dependent on the time of the semester. Reach out and we can see if something can be set up!

Can I use a photo of yours on my blog?
Of course you may! All I ask is that you please link back to the original post and use proper credit.

What camera do you use?
My photos are taken with a Canon Rebel T1i.

Where do you go to school?
I’m a student at Brown University in Providence, RI, where I plan to concentrate in both Theater Arts and Education Studies.

4 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I first will interview you then i will ask my main question.
    1.How do you make the kits for dolls?
    2.Do you have any advice for future blog makers?
    3.How did you come up with your name?
    4.Before you got your main blog maker did you check any others?
    5.Have you had any ideas from other blogs?
    6.Did any of your friends/family members influenced you to make a website?
    7.How did you make those doll page/kits?
    8.Do you have any pets that make you want to blog?
    9.Do you have any siblings?
    10.How old are you?
    11.Whats your favorite food?
    12.Can you check out mal7.webnode.com?
    My main question:Can you help us do a week of things on our blog because we can’t think of anything?! Please? Also can we put a kit or something on our blog? Thanks!


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